Kenya AA Kathangariri


Weight: 250g


Grind: Whole bean

Whole bean

Roast: Medium/Light

  • Location: Embu County
  • Harvest: 2022/2023
  • |Altitude: 1,800 masl
  • Varietal: Baitan, Ruiri, Sl28, Sl34
  • Process: Washed
  • Flavour profile: Blackcurrant, Raisin & Apricot

This AA fully washed top lot is from Kamwangi washing station, one of 3 factories managed by New Ngariama Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS) in Kirinyaga county, situated in Kenya's central highlands. Kamwangi has been consistently producing some of our favourite Kenyan coffees for a few seasons now, a testament to the diligence of their farmers and the factory staff.

The region of Embu is located in the South Eastern foothills of Mount Kenya, the highest mountain in the country and second highest in Africa after Kilimanjaro. The extinct volcano forms the backdrop for much of the surrounding country, as well as contributing to the soil fertility and cool air which allows Kenyan coffees to develop such excellence in the cup.

Bordering Kirinyaga county to the west, Embu is one of Kenya’s traditional coffee growing regions. Agriculture represents the largest sector of the local economy, with specialty coffee playing a significant role as a cash crop alongside tea and macadamia nuts.